Video day - Peter's friends
Há amigos que duram uma vida. Crescemos e mudamos juntos, perdemos alguns pelo caminho, mas são caras afixadas para sempre nas nossas memórias, nas nossas histórias.
Este filme é mais um dos muitos que retratam amizades duradouras, mas sempre foi dos meus preferidos. Talvez por ser tão simples e despretensioso, e tão cheio de ternura.
There are friends that last a lifetime. We grow and change together, loose some along the way, but those faces are attached forever in our memories, our stories.
This is one the many movies that portray long-lasting friendships, but has always been one of my favourites. Perhaps because it is so simple and unpretentious, and so full of tenderness.
This is one the many movies that portray long-lasting friendships, but has always been one of my favourites. Perhaps because it is so simple and unpretentious, and so full of tenderness.
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