Inspiration Monday

Boa noite! Espero que a vossa semana tenha começado com o pé direito (ou como eu prefiro dizer: com os dois pés que sempre é melhor). Aqui estão as sete maravilhas inspiracionais desta semana (pouco modesta, eu sei)! Inspirem-se!

Good night! I hope your week has started with the right foot (or as I prefer to say: with both of them it's always the best way to go). Here are the seven marvelous inspirations of the week (not modest, I know)! Get inspired! 

1. Polaroid cameras

2. The old but always fashionable Converse:

3. The Flintstones

4. Fresh raspberries

5. Gorgeaus Tuscany

6. Whimsical caravans

7. Glitter (makes our days sparkle!)


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