Inspiration Monday

Olá a todas(os)! A semana passada tive um pequeno contratempo com o computador - felizmente nada que obliterasse os meus ficheiros -, e fiquei sem acesso à internet durante alguns dias. O que significa que o Inspiration Monday de hoje é o que deveria ter sido publicado a semana passada. Espero que gostem!

Hi everyone! Last week I had a minor problem with my computer - fortunately nothing that vaporized my beloved files - and I didn't have access to the internet for a few days. Wich means that today's Inspiration Monday is the one that should have been published last week. Hope you like it!

1. Ferris wheels

2. Funky chairs

3. Charming Milan (my next destination!)

4. Pink hair

5. Stunning Kate Bush (love her!)

6. Cake stands

7. Suspenders


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