Inspiration Monday

Olá a todas(os)! Espero que a vossa semana esteja a começar da melhor maneira! E será possível que já estejamos em Feveveiro? O tempo faz-me lembrar o coelho branco do Alice no País das Maravilhas... vai correndo e eu nunca consigo apanhá-lo. De qualquer das maneiras, aqui estão as minhas inspirações para esta semana e espero que gostem!

Hi everyone! I hope your week is starting off in the best way possible! And is it possible that we're already in February? Time reminds me of the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland... it runs and runs and I can never keep up with him. Anyways, here are my inspirations for this week and I hope you like them!

1. Houses covered with ivy (so magical!)

2. These amazing rings by Mooreaseal

3. Sequins and sparkles

4. Cute dalmatians

5. Everything sweet

6. Budapest

7. This gorgeaus tattoo


  1. Beautiful inspirations for the week! Especially nr. 2, 5 & 6!
    wish you a nice week!

  2. Thanks! Oh yeah, nr.6 is a must-go place to visit. It's been on my destination list for quite some time. Have a nice week too :D


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