Ainda Lisboa | Still Lisbon

Hoje estive em Lisboa outra vez e lembrei-me de entrar, pela primeira vez, na Confeitaria Nacional. Eu acho que há sempre uma certa magia em espaços que passam por tantas décadas, e assistem a tanta história. Estar na sala de chá e imaginar como esta seria há 100 anos atrás é delicioso.

Today I've been in Lisbon again and thought of going to the Confeitaria Nacional, for the first time. This is a 180 year old bakery and I think there's always something so magical about spaces that live through so many decades, and watch so much history in the making. Being in the tea room and imagining how it would be like 100 years ago is simply delicious.


  1. Penso tantas vezes no mesmo, e a verdade é que cada vez que lá passo acabo por ficar a olhar (e a deliciar-me) para a montra e não entrar...
    Para a próxima vou contrariar esta tendência!

  2. Lovely ceilings! One of my best friends is from Portugal and he lives in his old family house in Sintra. It belonged to his great-grandparents and it's one of those really Portuguese houses with tiles and really elaborate ceilings. I fucking love it.

  3. @Carolina: Aconselho-te mesmo a entrares, porque vale a pena!

    @andrea: That makes two of us! We have so many beautiful buildings with the most amazing decorated walls and ceilings. Did you see "Mistérios de Lisboa" by Raul Ruiz? It's a real gem in this department!


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