Me and my Yashica, part i

Ontem testemunhei um milagre. Todas as fotografias que tirei, de um rolo de 24, viram a luz do dia! Nem todas ficaram bem (isso sim, seria um milagre supremo) mas, tendo em conta a natureza sensível da minha relação com a Yashica, já fiquei muito contente! Aqui estão algumas das que tirei no sábado, ao visitar a EXD'11.

Yesterday I witnessed a miracle. All the photos I took, from a roll of 24, saw the light of day! Not all of them turned out nice (that would be, indeed, a supreme miracle) but, taking into account the sensible nature of my relationship with the Yashica, I was really glad! Here are some photos I took on saturday, while visiting ExperimentaDesign 2011.


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