O palácio | The palace

Hoje fui visitar a minha professora de cerâmica, que está a participar num mercado de Natal, a decorrer no Palácio Foz. Amanhã ela também terá algumas pulseiras minhas à venda. Eu nunca tinha entrado neste palácio lindíssimo, e tenho mesmo de lá voltar durante o dia com a minha máquina analógica. Tenham uma óptima noite!

Today I went to visit my ceramics' teacher at a Christmas market she's participating on and it is being held at Palácio Foz (a palace right in the center of Lisbon). Tomorrow she'll have some of my bracelets for sale too. I had never entered this beautiful palace before, and I really have to go there again during the day with my analogue camera. Have a great night!


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