At the beach, part II

Taken with a plastic camera using Agfa Vista 100iso (expired in 2010)

Quando era pequena, os meus dias na praia eram passados dentro de água, até ouvir os gritos das minhas tias (normalmente, era com elas que ia à praia), chamando-me incessantemente para que saísse de lá e fosse secar um pouco ao sol. Hoje, chego à praia, corro para a água e ainda me oiço a rir como uma miúda de 10 anos.

When I was a little girl, my days at the beach were spent in the water, until I heard my aunts shouting (usually I would go to the beach with my aunts), calling me over and over again so that I got out of there and dried up in the sun. Today, I get to beach, run to the water and I can still hear myself laughing like a 10 year old.


This month I'm a part of The August Break


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