Autumnal photogenie, part I

Taken with a Canon EOS 500N using Fujicolor Pro 160Ciso (expired in 2011)

Na aldeia das minhas avós o outono é glorioso. As amoras estão já escuras e secas, as oliveiras dão azeitonas ligeiramente amargas, cheira a fumo da lenha que já povoa as lareiras, os caminhos cobrem-se de fruta madura e folhas de todos os tons de amarelo, e há árvores da cor do fogo.

In my grandmothers' village autumn is glorious. The blackberries are dark and dry, the olive trees are filled with slightlty bitter olives, it smells of smoke from the wood burning in the fireplaces, the paths are covered with ripe fruit and leaves with all the shades of yellow, and there are trees with the colour of fire.


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