Inspiration Monday

Olá a todas(os)! Espero que tenham começado bem a semana! Hoje é segunda-feira, logo aqui está mais uma colecção de coisas preciosas para servir-vos de inspiração nos próximos dias (eu sei que o Inspiration Monday anda a ser publicado de forma muito pouco contínua, mas tenham paciência com a minha falta de disciplina, pode ser?). Espero que gostem!

Hi everyone! I hope your week started off really well! Today is monday, so here goes one more collection of precious little things to inspire you for the next few days (I know Inspiration Monday hasn't been published in a steady way, but have pacience with my lack of discipline, ok?). I hope you'll like it!

1. Creative People + Projects, a great photo project by Rebecca Toh

2. Daydreaming about this pottery gallery/shop in Japan (where else?)

3. I wouldn't mind spending my days at Easy Tiger, Bake Shop and Beer Garden (isn't it cool?)

4. The cutest products by Miga de Pan

5. Looking at Jennilee Marigomen photography always makes my heart sing


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