Flower arrangement

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Fujifilm C200 pushed to 400iso (expired in 2011)

Numa das últimas vezes em que estive em casa da minha avó materna, uma das suas vizinhas chamou-me e disse que tinha uma coisa para me mostrar. Depois de me ter visto a tirar tantas fotografias no quintal da minha avó, achou que eu ia gostar de ver este arranjo de flores e, quem sabe, fotografá-lo. Eu sabia que a luz já não seria suficiente para tirar uma fotografia em condições, mas não consegui resistir.

On one of the last times I was at my maternal grandmother's house, one of her neighbours called me up and said she had something to show me. After she'd seen me taking so many photos at my grandmother's backyard, she thought I would like to see this flower arrangement and, who knows, take a photo of it. I knew the light wasn't good enough to make a decent photo, but I just cound't resist.


  1. Oh, this is just too sweet! I can imagine this lovely neighbors of your grandma's calling you to show you the flowers - it's something that my grandma's friends would have done as well!
    The flowers are indeed beautiful!

  2. Que fofa :)

    adoro convívio com senhoras do campo <3


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