Holding my breath

Arts 3 123-1
Arts 3 1230
Arts 3 1228
Photos taken in 2000 with a Canon EOS 500N

Daqui a precisamente 17 dias parto em viagem e vou passar duas semanas dividida entre Bruxelas (com visitas a Bruges e Antuérpia), Paris (só por dois dias e meio, mas vai ser tão bom voltar lá passados 13 anos!) e Amesterdão (que já estava na minha lista há muito tempo). Os meu dias já estão a ser passados em contagem descendente e mal caibo em mim de contentamento!

In exactly 17 days I'm off to spend two weeks divided between Brussels (with visits to Bruges and Antwerp), Paris (just for two and a half days, but it's going to be so good to revisit the city after 13 years!) and Amesterdam (it's been on my list for so long). Right now my days are already passing by in countdown mode and I can barely hold myself with excitment!


  1. Oh that's great news Inês, what a nice trip ! I really enjoyed Antwerp last year. When you are in Paris tell me if you want to meet :)

  2. Yay! I cannot wait to see your photographs from the wonderful trip you've been planning!
    These ones you've taken so long ago are already so beautiful, I am looking forward to see what you'll picture now! :-)

  3. Que lindas estas fotos,Inês!
    Espero que gastes muitos rolos e te divirtas nessas férias maravilhosas :)


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