Playing the turist, part three

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Fuji Reala 100iso (expired in 2007)

No caminho para apanhar o cacilheiro para Almada, passei pelo cartaz da exposição "A Última Fronteira - Lisboa em Tempo de Guerra" e resolvi entrar, o que foi uma óptima decisão. A exposição merecia fotografias, mas a vista das muitas janelas do edifício era irresistível!

On my way to catch the ferry to Almada, I passed by the sign for the exhibition "The Last Frontier - Lisbon During Wartime" and decided to go in, which was a very good decision. The exhibition was worthy of photos, but the view from the many windows of the building was irrestisible!


  1. You are right: these views are absolutely amazing! That palace must have been so beautiful and grand!


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