Two cats in Paris

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Agfa Vista 400iso (expired in 2013)

Adeus Paris, olá nostalgia! Para minha grande tristeza, as fotografias de Paris chegaram ao fim. Agora só tenho algumas de Bruxelas para mostrar-vos antes de deixar o resto dos rolos a revelar e rezar para que o resto da viagem esteja bem documentado!

Bye bye Paris, hello nostalgia! Much to my saddness, the photos of Paris have come to an end. Now I only have a few of Brussels to show you before I leave the rest of the rolls at the lab and pray that the rest of the trip is well documented!


  1. These cats are both so beautiful!
    Thank you for this wonderful journey shared through your photographs! I felt like I was visiting Paris myself!

  2. Ai que mai lindos <3<3<3

  3. These are beautiful photos! Nostalgia can be such a lovely thing but at the same time so sad.


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