Brussels, part VIII
Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Agfa Vista 400iso (expired in 2013)
Antes de apanhar o comboio para Amesterdão, ainda tive tempo de dar uma volta pela Grand Place e visitar as Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, que recomendo vivamente. Bruxelas mostrou-me, como tantos outros sítios que já visitei, que é bom não ter expectativas. Quando assim é, aumentamos as possibilidades de sermos surpreendidos pela positiva, e em Bruxelas isso aconteceu por várias vezes! E agora, prontos para Amesterdão?
Before catching the train to Amsterdam, I still had time to walk around the Grand Place and visit the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, that I strongly recommend. Brussels showed me, like many other places I've been to, that it's good not to have expectations. When you do that, you really increase the possibilities of being surprised in a good way, and in Brussels that happened many times! And now, are you ready for Amesterdam?
Seeing Brussels through your eyes was lovely! Now I really cannot wait for Amsterdam!