Early December

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Fuji Superia 200iso @400 (expired in 2005)

No início de Dezembro inscrevi-me num workshop de cerâmica e passei duas semanas a aprender algo completamente novo. Na oficina estávamos rodeados de moldes de gesso e de barro, muito barro por todo o lado, o que é sempre bom. 

Espero que tenham passado um óptimo Natal!

At the beginning of December I signed up for a ceramics workshop and spent two weeks learning something completely new. In the workroom we were surrounded by plaster molds and clay, lots and lots of clay, which is always nice.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!


  1. Hi! :D Thanks for your comment!!
    I really like how the photos overlapped (by accident I presume?). I can see how the last two photos are linked but the effect is actually pretty surreal and lovely. I haven't tried using expired film before but maybe I should one day! How have you found the effects? :D
    And WOW I have been cravvvvinggg to learn ceramics! Was it fun? :D It's definitely something I wanna learn one day!

    1. You're welcome! Yes, the photos overlapped by accident, but since this camera tends to jam the roll it's pretty common for this to happen and I often quite like the results. Film is all about the unexpected, right? :) You should try expired film just for the fun of it. My one advice is that you should start by using a roll expired not that long ago. If you start off with one expired.. let's say in 2004, the results can be quite disappointing. Give it a go! :)

  2. Oooh, I love these, the tones and soft light really speak to me. Please do show us what you made for the class! :D P.S. Happy new year!

    1. Thanks Katie! Yes, I'll show the results and explain a little bit more about what I've done :) Happy 2014!

  3. Adorava aprender também :)

  4. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Fotografias espectaculares. Onde fez o Workshop? Tem endereço de página ou onde é? Parece ser excelente.

    Gosto imenso das fotografias que tirou pelos sítios, por onde viajou. É uma aventureira e com garra. Faz-me viajar consigo.




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