The weird ones

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Fuji Pro 400H and Agfa Vista 400 (expired in 2011 and 2013)

Depois destes efeitos não-intencionais terem acontecido nos últimos três rolos revelados, espero que isto não signifique que a minha querida Yashica está a desenvolver algum problema definitivo. Enquanto isso, estou à espera de ver os resultados de dois rolos que deixei a revelar e vou fazendo figas.

After these unintentional effects happened in the last three developed rolls of film, I hope this doesn't mean that my beloved Yashica is developing some definitive problem. In the meantime, I'm waiting to see the results of two rolls I've left in the lab and I'm crossing my fingers.


  1. I really hope that your Yashica doesn't have any serious problem, but I believe these photographs came out this way because the film jammed a little inside the camera. Anyhow, they look so intriguing!I love them all!

    1. I really hope so too! This Yashica always had a tendency to jam the film and I'm always paying attention to that, but just the fact that this happened on all three rolls made me a little worried. However, I don't completely dislike the results. Let's wait and see :)

  2. Weird ones are my favorite, these are so good! I love their absoluteness, the fact that you just accept them for what they are. Though I too hope it doesn't mean something's wrong with your camera, Inês! ♥


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