
Taken with a Olympus Mju II using Fuji C100 (expired in 2012)

Há duas semanas, enquanto passava uns dias com a minha avó materna, resolvemos dar uma volta de carro. Conduzir devagar por estradas secundárias e ir fazendo paragens para contemplar a paisagem e tirar fotografias é das coisas que mais gosto de fazer, herança deixada por todas as grandes viagens de carro que fiz com os meus pais quando vivemos em Moçambique. Desta feita, parámos, por instantes, na aldeia de Amêndoa onde, de um ponto elevado chamado Cruzeiro, se pode usufruir de uma vista lindíssima e tão doce como o nome da aldeia que a proporciona.

Two weeks ago, while spending some days with my maternal grandmother, we decided to get on the car and go for a ride. Driving slowly on secondary roads and stopping on the way to contemplate the views and take photos is one of the things I like to do the most, inheritance left by all the great road trips I did with my parents when we lived in Mozambique. This time, we stopped, for a moment, in the village of Amêndoa (almond, in english) where, from a high point called Cruzeiro, you can enjoy a beautiful view as sweet as the name of the village that provides it.


  1. eu bem que tento usar a minha mju II dessa maneira e nada me sai de jeito. gostei bastante deste post! venham mais! :)

    1. Não acredito ;) Obrigada! Virão mais, pois concerteza!

  2. That village has indeed one of the sweetest names! And that view is incredible!

    1. I think next time I'm there I'll try to go alone and explore it further. I was so eager to see the view that I went up the steps so fast! It was so worth it, but by the end of the day I almost couldn't feel my legs :)


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