The convent that holds the sky (III)
Taken with a Olympus Mju II using Fuji Superia 200iso (expired in 2013)
Para além da magnífica igreja do Convento do Carmo, é, também, possível visitar o Museu de Arqueologia, que funciona na parte do edifício que foi reconstruída após o grande terramoto de 1755, e que é muitíssimo interessante.
Besides the magnificent church of the Carmo Convent it is also possible to visit the Archeology Museum, that operates on the part of the building that was rebuilt after the great earthquake of 1755, and that's really interesting.
What a magnificent place, so rich of history!
ReplyDeletethis place is so beautiful...
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible place!!
ReplyDeleteapetece muito ir aí :)