On the (very) dark side

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Kodak Portra 160VC (expired in 2009)

Tirei estas fotos há já quatro meses (?!?!) num café no Porto e já me tinha esquecido completamente delas, até porque os resultados foram um pouco... foleiros, à falta de um melhor termo técnico. Ontem estive a rever as fotografias desses belos dias de Junho e achei que, apesar de serem um perfeito testemunho dos meus contínuos erros de principiante, estas fotografias mereciam ser publicadas. Et voilá!

I took these photos four months ago (?!?!) at a coffeshop in Porto and I'd completely forgotten them, because the results were a little... crappy, for the lack of a better technical term. Yesterday I was browsing through the photos of those beautiful days in June and thought that, even though they're a perfect example of my continuous rooky mistakes, these photos deserved a post of their own. Et voilá!


  1. Fazes-me ter saudades da fotografia analógica! :)

  2. These are really lovely! There's something about the darkness that I really like.


  3. Very beautiful frames, Ines!


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