Watching time go by

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Fuji Superia X-Tra 400iso (expired in 2004)

Numa semana que tem sido passada entre espirros, chávenas de chá e muitos lenços de papel (e o Matisse a servir-me de manta pessoal), há algo que me tem dado muito alento: em Março vou, finalmente, a Berlim e não podia estar mais excitada! Eu já tenho em vista algumas opções de alojamento pelo Airbnb, mas se conhecerem sugestões boas e baratas, sou toda ouvidos!

On a week that's been filled with sneezing, cups of tea and many paper tissues (and Matisse as my personal blanket), there's something that's been keeping me satisfied: in March I'm finally going to Berlin and I couldn't be more excited! I already have my eye on a few accomodation options over at Airbnb, but if you happen to know good and cheap places, I'm all ears!


  1. This picture is simply beautiful! I love the colors and the atmosphere. And I want to cuddle the cat. :)

  2. wow wonderful! can't wait to see berlin through your eyes (lens i mean) :)


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