Five days in Berlin, part I

Taken with a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 using Tudor XLX 200iso (expired in 2014)

O primeiro dia em Berlim começou cinzento e frio, uma amostra de como seriam todos os dias que lá passei - à excepção do último, mas lá chegaremos -, mas nada que me desviasse da rota que decidi para esse dia: visitar os pontos mais turísticos da cidade e andar sempre a pé. Comecei pelo Museu Judaico, passando depois pelo Checkpoint Charlie, seguindo até Potsdamer Platz e daí até à zona onde estão o Memorial do Holocausto, a Porta de Brandemburgo e o Reichstag. Depois disso, restou-me seguir o rio Spree até chegar a casa, exausta, mas já a pensar no dia seguinte.

The first day in Berlin started off cold and grey, a sample of how the following days would be - minus the last, but we'll get there eventually -, but that didn't stop me from following the course I'd established for that day: to visit the most turistic points of the city and always on foot. I started at the Jewish Museum, then passing by Checkpoint Charlie, going to Potsdamer Platz and from there to the area where the Holocaust Memorial, Brandenburg Platz and Reichstag are located. After that, I decided to follow the Spree river until I got home, tired, but already thinking about the next day.


  1. Beautiful atmospheric photos of grey Berlin, Ines!

    1. Thank you Nancy! Your opinion as a Berliner really means a lot to me :)

  2. What an incredible mix of architecture styles! Berlin must really be a striking city!

    1. It's a massive city with so many architectural styles that it was pretty difficult for me not to look up all the time! I think Berlin is special because it doesn't offer that immediate wow factor that we find in so many other european capitals, but it makes you curious and it's in that slow discovery that you end up smitten by it. At least, that's what happened to me <3

  3. o edifício da última foto é esplêndido! gostei muito de não ver pessoas nestas imagens.

    1. Obrigada Nancy! Eu tenho uma tendência natural para não fotografar pessoas e de "transformar" os sítios mais cheios de gente em zonas quase vazias :)

  4. The architecture makes me swoon! :)


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